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Congratulations! You have almost completed your Service-Learning WebQuest. The final part of the WebQuest is to present a visual representation of the agency selected to the campus community at the annual First-Year Social which is held the first Monday in December. The project should include photos, the agency's mission statement, the history of the agency and a brief comparison of the organization as it relates to the mission and core values of Holy Family.

Incorporate the following questions into your presentation:

- How did this experinece impact the class as a whole?
- To what extent does the agency's work affect society.
- What are your responsibilities as a citizen?



Mark your calendar...First Year Social is
Monday, December 1, 2008 img

In order to complete this WebQuest and pass
the First-Year College Success course,
each student must receive a passing grade
(P) for participation and completion of the
following components for service-learning project:

  • Group Participation
  • Requested Journal Entries
  • Selection of Agency
  • Action Plan of Project
  • Presentation
